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angol [en], .mobi, 🚀/lgli/zlib, 0.5MB, 📕 Könyv (fikció), lgli/Keri Arthur - Destiny Kills (2008, Random House, Inc.).mobi
Destiny Kills 🔍
Random House, Inc., 2008
Arthur, Keri 🔍
SUMMARY: Desire calls. Danger Lurks.But...When Destiny McCree wakes up beside a dead man on an Oregon beach, she knows only this: she has to keep moving, keep searching, and keep one step ahead of the forces that have been pursuing her from the heart of Scotland to this isolated spot. Why? The death of her lover has left her alone, with little memory of her past. A glimmering serpent-shaped ring is the one clue she has—and a bargaining chip in a most dangerous game.Enter Trae Wilson, a master thief with a sexy, knowing grin and a secret agenda of his own. Destiny and Trae both have powers far beyond the human—and both are running for their lives. Together they’re riding a tide of danger, magic, and lust...but with killers stalking their every move, they must use any means necessary, even each other, to survive—until the shocking secret of one woman’s destiny finally unravels....
metaadat megjegyzések
Alternatív cím
Destiny kills : [a myth & magic novel
Alternatív cím
Destiny Kills (Myth and Magic)
Alternatív szerző
Keri Arthur
Alternatív kiadó
Dell Spectra, Dell, Random House Publishing Group
Alternatív kiadó
Bantam Spectra ; Publishers Group UK [distributor
Alternatív kiadó
Bantam Dell
Alternatív kiadó
Alternatív kiadás
Dell Spectra fantasy, New York, New York (State), 2008
Alternatív kiadás
Myth and magic, 1, New York, 2008
Alternatív kiadás
Myth & magic series, London, 2011
Alternatív kiadás
Myth and magic, New York, 2007
Alternatív kiadás
New York, Enfield, 2008
Alternatív kiadás
1st, 2008
Alternatív leírás
<p>When Destiny McCree wakes up beside a dead man on an Oregon beach, she knows only this: she has to keep moving, keep searching, and keep one step ahead of the forces that have been pursuing her from the heart of Scotland to this isolated spot. Why? The death of her lover has left her alone, with little memory of her past. A glimmering serpent-shaped ring is the one clue she has-and a bargaining chip in a most dangerous game.Enter Trae Wilson, a master thief with a sexy, knowing grin and a secret agenda of his own. Destiny and Trae both have powers far beyond the human-and both are running for their lives. Together they're riding a tide of danger, magic, and lust but with killers stalking their every move, they must use any means necessary, even each other, to survive-until the shocking secret of one woman's destiny finally unravels.</p>
Alternatív leírás
When Destiny McCree wakes up beside a dead man on an Oregon beach, she knows only this: she has to keep moving, keep searching, and keep one step ahead of the forces that have been pursuing her from the heart of Scotland to this isolated spot. Why? The death of her lover has left her alone, with little memory of her past. A glimmering serpent-shaped ring is the one clue she hasand a bargaining chip in a most dangerous game. Enter Trae Wilson, a master thief with a sexy, knowing grin and a secret agenda of his own. Destiny and Trae both have powers far beyond the humanand both are running for their lives. Together theyre riding a tide of danger, magic, and lustbut with killers stalking their every move, they must use any means necessary, even each other, to surviveuntil the shocking secret of one womans destiny finally unravels
Alternatív leírás
"When Destiny McCree wakes up beside a dead man on an Oregon beach, she knows only this: she has to keep moving, keep searching, and keep one step ahead of the forces that have been pursuing her from the heart of Scotland to this isolated spot. Why? The death of her lover has left her alone, with little memory of her past. A glimmering serpent-shaped ring is the one clue she has--and a bargaining chip in a most dangerous game."--p. [4] of cover.
Alternatív leírás
"When Destiny McCree wakes up beside a dead man on an Oregon beach, she knows only this: she has to keep moving, keep searching, and keep one step ahead of the forces that have been pursuing her from the heart of Scotland to this isolated spot. Why? The death of her lover has left her alone, with little memory of her past. A glimmering serpent-shaped ring is the one clue she has--and a bargaining chip in a most dangerous game."--Page 4 of cover
Alternatív leírás
When Destiny McCree wakes up beside a dead man on an Oregon beach, she knows only this: she has to keep moving, keep searching, and keep one step ahead of the forces that have been pursuing her from the heart of Scotland to this isolated spot. The death of her lover has left her alone, with little memory of her past. A glimmering serpent-shaped ring is the one clue she has-- and a bargaining chip in a most dangerous game
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Collectionzlib Collectionisbndb Collectionlibgen_li Collectionworldcat Collectionopenlib DDC823.92 Filepathlgli/Keri Arthur - Destiny Kills (2008, Random House, Inc.).mobi Goodreads1764154 ISBN-100-7499-5302-0 ISBN-100-553-58960-1 ISBN-13978-0-553-58960-3 ISBN-13978-0-7499-5302-7 LCCPR9619.4.A78 D47 2008 LCCCPB Box no. 2901 vol. 10 LCCPR9619.4.A78 LCCN2009439463 File98643916 fiction_id3800629 Library Thing3534740 MD55d582a0c79a18c86fd1d7f4b81f37896 IAdestinykills00arth OCLC/WorldCat664375665 OCLC/WorldCat756172312 OCLC/WorldCat540182678 OCLC/WorldCat166383243 OCLC/WorldCat670448732 Open LibraryOL5848526W Open LibraryOL24205059M Open LibraryOL23578803M Server Pathe/lglific/3800000/ Server Pathe/zlib1/pilimi-zlib-11000000-11039999/11028971 Torrentmanaged_by_aa/zlib/pilimi-zlib-11000000-11039999.torrent Z-Library11028971
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