Destiny Kills - Anna Archívuma (2024)

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Destiny Kills - Anna Archívuma (1)

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angol [en], .mobi, 🚀/lgli/zlib, 0.5MB, 📕 Könyv (fikció), lgli/Keri Arthur - Destiny Kills (2008, Random House, Inc.).mobi

Destiny Kills 🔍

Random House, Inc., 2008

Arthur, Keri 🔍


SUMMARY: Desire calls. Danger Lurks.But...When Destiny McCree wakes up beside a dead man on an Oregon beach, she knows only this: she has to keep moving, keep searching, and keep one step ahead of the forces that have been pursuing her from the heart of Scotland to this isolated spot. Why? The death of her lover has left her alone, with little memory of her past. A glimmering serpent-shaped ring is the one clue she has—and a bargaining chip in a most dangerous game.Enter Trae Wilson, a master thief with a sexy, knowing grin and a secret agenda of his own. Destiny and Trae both have powers far beyond the human—and both are running for their lives. Together they’re riding a tide of danger, magic, and lust...but with killers stalking their every move, they must use any means necessary, even each other, to survive—until the shocking secret of one woman’s destiny finally unravels....

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Alternatív cím

Destiny kills : [a myth & magic novel

Alternatív cím

Destiny Kills (Myth and Magic)

Alternatív szerző

Keri Arthur

Alternatív kiadó

Dell Spectra, Dell, Random House Publishing Group

Alternatív kiadó

Bantam Spectra ; Publishers Group UK [distributor

Alternatív kiadó

Bantam Dell

Alternatív kiadó


Alternatív kiadás

Dell Spectra fantasy, New York, New York (State), 2008

Alternatív kiadás

Myth and magic, 1, New York, 2008

Alternatív kiadás

Myth & magic series, London, 2011

Alternatív kiadás

Myth and magic, New York, 2007

Alternatív kiadás

New York, Enfield, 2008

Alternatív kiadás

1st, 2008

Alternatív leírás

<p>When Destiny McCree wakes up beside a dead man on an Oregon beach, she knows only this: she has to keep moving, keep searching, and keep one step ahead of the forces that have been pursuing her from the heart of Scotland to this isolated spot. Why? The death of her lover has left her alone, with little memory of her past. A glimmering serpent-shaped ring is the one clue she has-and a bargaining chip in a most dangerous game.Enter Trae Wilson, a master thief with a sexy, knowing grin and a secret agenda of his own. Destiny and Trae both have powers far beyond the human-and both are running for their lives. Together they're riding a tide of danger, magic, and lust…but with killers stalking their every move, they must use any means necessary, even each other, to survive-until the shocking secret of one woman's destiny finally unravels.</p>

Alternatív leírás

When Destiny McCree wakes up beside a dead man on an Oregon beach, she knows only this: she has to keep moving, keep searching, and keep one step ahead of the forces that have been pursuing her from the heart of Scotland to this isolated spot. Why? The death of her lover has left her alone, with little memory of her past. A glimmering serpent-shaped ring is the one clue she hasand a bargaining chip in a most dangerous game. Enter Trae Wilson, a master thief with a sexy, knowing grin and a secret agenda of his own. Destiny and Trae both have powers far beyond the humanand both are running for their lives. Together theyre riding a tide of danger, magic, and lustbut with killers stalking their every move, they must use any means necessary, even each other, to surviveuntil the shocking secret of one womans destiny finally unravels

Alternatív leírás

"When Destiny McCree wakes up beside a dead man on an Oregon beach, she knows only this: she has to keep moving, keep searching, and keep one step ahead of the forces that have been pursuing her from the heart of Scotland to this isolated spot. Why? The death of her lover has left her alone, with little memory of her past. A glimmering serpent-shaped ring is the one clue she has--and a bargaining chip in a most dangerous game."--p. [4] of cover.

Alternatív leírás

"When Destiny McCree wakes up beside a dead man on an Oregon beach, she knows only this: she has to keep moving, keep searching, and keep one step ahead of the forces that have been pursuing her from the heart of Scotland to this isolated spot. Why? The death of her lover has left her alone, with little memory of her past. A glimmering serpent-shaped ring is the one clue she has--and a bargaining chip in a most dangerous game."--Page 4 of cover

Alternatív leírás

When Destiny McCree wakes up beside a dead man on an Oregon beach, she knows only this: she has to keep moving, keep searching, and keep one step ahead of the forces that have been pursuing her from the heart of Scotland to this isolated spot. The death of her lover has left her alone, with little memory of her past. A glimmering serpent-shaped ring is the one clue she has-- and a bargaining chip in a most dangerous game

nyílt forráskódúvá válás dátuma


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Destiny Kills - Anna Archívuma (2024)


Does Anna turn into Destiny? ›

At the end of the episode 12, she cuts her hair short. When transforming into Destiny, her hair color becomes light pink with dark pink in the inner side of her hair. She also wears a red dress, heels, and accessories.

What happened to Ana Bray? ›

Ana reappeared many years later and called upon the help of the Guardian in the beginning of the Destiny 2: Warmind expansion, bringing them to Mars, where she has decided to investigate her old life and heritage. She requested assistance after a frozen Hive army reawakened.

Is Ana Bray the exo stranger? ›

Ana is invited to Europa by the being known to the Last City as the Exo Stranger, but she reveals her true identity is Elsie Bray.

Where can I find Ana Bray? ›

Ana can be found on Mars in the Braytech Futurescape area. Once you spawn in, head straight ahead into the facility and Ana will be in the area on the right.

Does Anna come back to life? ›

Anna later fell in love with Jeremy Gilbert, Elena Gilbert's younger brother, but met the same fate as her mother and was staked by John Gilbert. Anna later returns as a ghost at the end of Season 2 in and found peace with her mother in Ghost World after the two have a heartwarming reunion.

Did Anna love Takt? ›

But it's also clear that Destiny also loved Takt, hence Anna not pursuing her feelings for Takt. She surpressed her feelings, until it was too much for her, and episode 11 indirectly confirms that.

Who is Cayde's 6 daughter? ›

Ana Bray is Cayde's daughter.

How powerful is Ana Bray? ›

First, Ana Bray is one of the most powerful guardians we've ever seen. We really just know her as the woman always tinkering with Rasputin, but she is a wildly strong warrior.

Who is Ana Brays lover? ›

6 Bray Was Not Always By Herself During Her Search

It was here she met a human named Camrin Dumuzi. Dumuzi was able to discover Ana's true identity, eventually working together with Ana and falls in love with her.

Who was Cayde 6 before Exo? ›

Like most Exo, Cayde remembers little about his past before the Collapse. However, he remembers enough to provide substantial information, albeit he admits the order is out of sync. Cayde used to be a human soldier with a large debt over his head, when he was approached by Clovis Bray to have his debt removed.

Why does Ana Bray remember? ›

If I remember correctly, Ana Bray was originally resurrected with her old ID card still with her. This ID card as a result allowed her to do research into who she was and past events that transpired prior to losing her memory as a guardian. She was resurrected with her name tag and dug to uncover and learn her past.

What is the story of Ana Bray? ›

Anastasia Bray is a Hunter whose prior life was discovered when she was resurrected with her ID badge. During the Golden Age, Ana worked at Clovis Bray with her adopted family 2. Calling herself a “psycholinguist” 3, Ana's job was to teach Rasputin how to think like a human instead of respond like a machine.

Is Exo Stranger a male or female? ›

The Exo Stranger
AppearancesDestiny (debut)
2 more rows

What happened to Rasputin in Destiny 2? ›

Seemingly aware of the jeopardy it's in, The Traveller leaves Earth's atmosphere and begins booking it out into space, abandoning humanity just as it had previously done to the Fallen. But at the last second, before Eramis opens fire, Rasputin self-destructs the satellites and wipes himself.

Does Anna become an angel again? ›

The angels and demons attack each other, giving Anna the opportunity to steal back her grace from a distracted Uriel. She then vanishes in a flash of light as she is restored to her angelic form.

What happened to Destiny in Takt OP? ›

As Takt dies, Destiny declares her love for him before sacrificing herself, reviving him. She reduces her essence to a pendant, which lays in his now restored arm.

Does Anna have a good ending? ›

When Anna ends, the hero Anna is now a free woman. She has broken free from both the KGB and CIA, and everyone thinks that she is dead. Olga gives her even more freedom, as the only person who knows Anna is alive agrees to let her go.

Will Destiny come back in Takt op Destiny? ›

This is bad news, the Takt Op Destiny manga ended in chapter 14 and didn't continue, which means yesterday was the last chapter update.

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Author: Roderick King

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Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.